Athier Mousawi in his studio.

Featured Artist

Athier Mousawi


Athier Mousawi (b. London, 1982) studied an MA in Illustration and Design at Central Saint Martin’s in London before moving to Paris in 2010 to begin painting at the Cité Internationale Des Art. He is the son of Iraqi sculptor and painter Maysaloun Faraj and renowned architect Ali Mousawi. Athier’s practice has always oscillated between representation of structure and form and expressive colour and mark making. He has become known for a style that draws on a range of influences, from European Modernism to contemporary Iraqi art. In recent years his work has been about letting go and allowing space to enter his compositions, which echo and embrace the floating nature of uncertainty of the world around him.

Athier has had numerous solo and group exhibitions including Ayyam Gallery, Dubai (2020, 2018, 2016); Contemporary Art Platform, Kuwait (2019); Ayyam Gallery, Beirut (2015); Edge Of Arabia Projects, London (2014); Ayyam Gallery, London (2014); Cuadro Fine Art Gallery, Dubai (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010); National Portrait Gallery, London (2011); The Royal Academy, London (2011); Tashkent International Biennale, Uzbekistan (2011), among others. Athier is based between London, Paris and Los Angeles.