Featured Artist

Britt Boutros Ghali


In the bustling streets of Cairo, amidst the vibrant tapestry of Egyptian culture, resides a luminary whose canvases pulsate with life. Britt Boutros-Ghali, the esteemed Norwegian-Egyptian abstract expressionist, has woven her artistic legacy into the very fabric of her adopted homeland over the past five decades. Her journey is one of vibrant hues and boundless creativity, punctuated by accolades and recognition from around the globe.


Born in 1937 against the stark backdrop of Svolvaer, Norway, Britt’s early years were etched with contrasts — from the luminous summers to the enveloping darkness of winter, and the tumult of World War II looming in the background. It was amidst this emotional maelstrom that her artistic spirit took flight, finding solace and expression through bursts of color and emotion.


Stepping into Britt’s world is akin to embarking on a visual odyssey. Her canvases, marked by a kaleidoscope of colors and dynamic brushstrokes, exude an energy that is both captivating and enigmatic. Rooted in the principles of action painting, her process is a dance of spontaneity and structure, where the materials themselves become conduits for storytelling.


At the heart of Britt’s practice lies a deep reverence for her surroundings. Egypt’s rich and exotic tapestry of culture and history serves as a perpetual wellspring of inspiration. From the bustling souks of Cairo to the tranquil shores of Agami, her dual studios reflect her profound connection to the land and its people.


In 1996, Britt’s contributions to the arts were honored with the prestigious St. Olav’s Order, Norway’s highest artistic accolade, bestowed upon her by King Haakon himself. Yet, it is perhaps her 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award for Women in the Arts from the Egyptian government that resonates most deeply. A testament to her indelible impact on the artistic landscape of her adopted homeland, it serves as a fitting tribute to a lifetime devoted to creativity and expression.


Today, Britt’s home in Agami stands as a living testament to her artistic vision. Adorned with intricately crafted mosaics and murals, it serves as a beacon for local artists, collectors, and admirers alike. Here, amidst the whispers of the Mediterranean breeze, her legacy continues to unfold, inviting all who encounter it to embark on a journey through color, emotion, and the boundless depths of the human spirit.