Featured Artist

Marcos Peinado


Marcos Peinado was born in Barcelona in 1976 where he still lives, works and has his studio. At the end of the nineties, he studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, specializing in design and painting. Since then, in his day-to-day life, Marcos uses them both at work and personal level, having made various individual and group exhibitions of his artworks; participated in many national and international competitions; collaborated in the organization of artistic-cultural programs or worked in art direction.

‘The city creates spaces and structures, volumes and geometries.
The metropolis imagines and builds up spaces, we live in there, we make visual paths, physicals, from inside out and from outside in. We are observers of plans and curves that melt with lights and colors, and so do we interact with this space that surround us.
We, like exceptional individuals for all this, we enjoy structures and geometries that show us nude in its spatial synthesis and make us observers of an extraordinary shapes and volumes routine show.’